Fan art
lol... ok special thnx to bao lol THNX!! 1ST FANART!!! It's
a me-version of sheria :) here's bao's site: http://www.geocities.com/littleb_online/
lol... ok special thnx to bao again lol THNX!! It's a b day present!!!IT'D BE BETTA IF SHE WAS A COW GRL *WINK WINK* here's bao's site: http://www.geocities.com/littleb_online/
There it is!! heehe the one wit teh cow ears, horns, and tail is my version of bao's gift! We can call it a fanart of a fanart :) this is my site... but here's my regular one: here's bao's site: http://sheria25.topcities.com
THANKYOU AKANE!!! It's a funny litto piece-cie! :) She has no site :(
Thank you Bao. AGAIN =) A cute litto pic of Sheria! I guess she's a little young tho. Let's say.. eight years old? here's bao's site: http://www.geocities.com/littleb_online/
Thank you Effey. This is a nice pic :) It was from the Manga Art ExchangeThis is the page
on Effey's site that has Effey's comments on this picture. here's Effey's site: http://gothicaznmafia.keenspace.com/
Thank you dot warner. COOL feathers. It was from the Manga Art Exchange Here's dot waner's site